I am becoming a Disney movie collector? Aficianado?...Freak?
We bought the 50th Anniversary Platinum Edition 2-Disk set of Sleeping Beauty. Tonight we finished it. (watched it in two sittings as I am trying to hold to a strict bedtime)
I remember it when I was little. But what I loved this time around was watching it through my daughters' eyes. The wonder, the magic, the colors, the drama, the happy ending. They loved it.
I plan on taking them to The Magic Kingdom when the 2 year old is a bit older (and her adoption loan is a bit more paid off). But in the meantime, we have these great movies to watch over and over and over again.
Oh! And Pinoccio is coming out in 2009! The 70th Anniverary of that movie. Also, it is about time for a Black Princess from Disney, so The Princess and The Frog is coming out next year too. I should check into Disney stock values...
Your inner child is smiling!
Peace and Hugs,
Madi likes sleeping beauty too.
I am ready for Beauty and the Beast to come out.
I haven't seen that one in a long time.
I just am so glad you have a BLOG:):)
love it:)
Wow - you know your Disney! :)
44 inches is the magic number for the Magic Kingdom. That's the height a child must be in order to ride all the rides.
And YES -- when is Beauty and the Beast coming out?!
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