Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Future career?

Is she a Hootchee Mama in training? Lord, I hope not!

(please ignore the mountain of laundry in the background!)

Joely loves stickers, or 'dickers.' They are an inexpensive way to entertain her; keeps her quiet.

So I was busy cooking, the gurlz were playing in the next room, giggling and laughing. They came running into the kitchen saying, "Mommy look!" I had to laugh, then grab the camera.

No area was untouched.

At least she's "modest."


Anonymous said...

Well at least she's covering the private areas!!! LOL Abby loves to coat her body in stickers!!!! too cute!

Kim said...

That is hilarious!!! I love it. Do I see piercings and tats in her future?

Mama Bear said...

tooo funny~~~

Mama Bear said...

I just had to tell you again Terri how these pictures totally CRACK me up!!!!! I needed a good smile today!

Becca said...

This is the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! She is adorable - stickers and all...

Peace and Hugs,