A fellow Alabamian, adoptive mama, and cyber friend, Kristi, tagged me. This is my first for the blog. Yea!
So I have to tell you seven random things about myself:
1. I sooooooooo want to go on the reality show "Amazing Race" with my Mama. She wants to go on it too!
2. I love watching Alabama football, but couldn't tell you much about what is going on in the game. All I know is we are supposed to cross the goal line more times that the other team.
3. Summer is my favorite season. Give me 100 degree weather over any degree under 60 any old day. You can even throw in the humidity. I like my weather to hit me in the face when I walk out the door.
4. At one time in my life I modeled, and was headed to New York City after high school. I had an interview with a representative at Ford Modeling agency too. But I decided to go on to college instead. Glad I chose college, cuz an edjukashun iz importent.
5. I'm a sap. I cry at weddings in movies, when someone dies in a movie, especially when a dog dies in a movie, and Hallmark commercials. Since Hallmark is about to enter into their biggest season, I guess I better stock up on tissues.
6. I like books. Oh, not to read, mind you. Just books. They look so good on the shelf. It also makes you look smart to have all those books surrounding you. Maybe one day I'll actually crack some of 'em open.
7. Chocolate. That's all I have to say about my favorite food group, snack, and reason to get up in the morning. Chocolate.
Now I'm supposed to tag others, but I don't know who to tag. So feel free to tell me random things about you in the comments.